
green valley molecule aggregation

I wanted to make a little "happy holidays" card for today---

but I ended up fiddling old photographs and came up with this conglomeration:

a pseudo molecule morphing into some liquid a way, its a bit of a digital prototype of that haarwuchs sketch I posted a couple days ago. It might be interesting to see how I could possibly collage a man-made object/material into the motion of ephemeral landscapes-which brings me to my romantic image of classic landscapes: scenes under the tuscan sun, lavender fields, rice fields, ice and desert sands...all transient spaces of which we have little to no control over. In fact, I believe we become overwhelmed by the vastness of the what I hope to compose is a kind of still-shot of a landscape personalized by hair: our personal filament. The composition, I hope would become a kind of ephemeral map...a diagram that documents this unique phenomenon of arriving at a place and being awed by its beauty. Hair would become that tangible material that relates the experience of the place and the shape of the a homeostasis.
If this at all clear, cool. If not, I am sure I will elaborate more clearly once I fish for more information....but tonight is holiday night, and that means HAMMY TIME