- some of the earlier snippets of " tierra de mi madre" are now officially memories. Gone are the ink marks and rock-texture formation.
-However, Tierra de mi Madre still prevails: the title at least. What will become of those 3 canvases, you ask? Well, well-now now, be patient...I think I want to continue to paint that volcanic landscape, you know, la laguna de Alegria? I've grown quite fond of it, and feel strong in working with that space just a little bit longer...
-but this time I plan to utilize some "architectural" techniques for the composition of each panel, creating a body that examines the spatial qualities of that specific landmark.
-there's another long canvas sheet that I plan on using for another volcano landscape. this one however, may be a little active, and maybe a little more toxic. who knows. I don't know. I haven't even moved beyond the sketchbook.
good night.